Have you ever had one of those days where you end your day with “What just happened?” This is one of those blog posts that I wanted to write, just to laugh about it later when I’m old(er).
My morning started out with a showdown between me, a mama deer, and a fawn. As I was driving to work, running late of course, I came across these two deer, and no matter how many times I honked at them, they were NOT budging. Yes, they were even there long enough for me to grab my phone out of my purse to take a really blurry picture. Did I mention I was running late? But they were incredibly beautiful.
Mismatch Day
It was also Mismatch Day during Spirit Week at our school. Or as my 6th graders say it, “Mitch Match Day or Mix Match Day.” Now, you have to understand that only a certain amount of kids actually dress up at our school, but I feel the pressure to do so because hey, I have school spirit. The worst part, though, is the dreaded walk into the building. At our school, you have to cross in front of the cars coming into the parking lot dressed like an idiot. I do a silent prayer each time, hoping that I don’t have the days mixed up.
You know that half of the parents don’t even know that it’s a dress-up day. I wore my hair half up, half down; different earrings; tops that don’t match; one pant leg up, one down; different colored socks and two different colored shoes. In my mind, I can hear the parents thinking, Yes, it’s definitely time for that Ms. Holst to retire.
Here’s the worst part. Once I was safely inside the building and breathing a sigh of relief that it was actually the right day, I realized that I forgot my phone in the car! Yup, so not only did I have to cross the street in front of the parents once, I had to do it two more times to get my phone. Humiliation endured! Let’s just leave this picture upside down, since that is how I felt all day.
I’ve Been Called A Lot of Things But…
This is why students should proofread their emails.
Moving Tape
When my students give presentations, I ask them to “dress for success.” I love seeing them look nice at least a couple days each quarter. It reminds them that speakers should always look nicer than their audience, in order to build reliability for their content. One of my cutie 6th grade boys walked in and was holding up his pants. When I asked him what’s going on, he showed me that his belt broke, but his pants are too big. Man, it’s hard to not die laughing some days!
That was definitely a dilemma for this boy, especially when he is one of the few boys in a class full of girls this class period. As I searched my brain, I remembered that I had some moving tape in a drawer. I was taught that duct tape is the cure for anything, but this would have to do. Luckily, he was creative and figured out a way to wrap the tape through the belt loops, along with his belt. I will have to keep this magical idea in my mind for future reference.
Teaching is NEVER Boring
Needless to say, a day in the life of a teacher is never boring. I dealt with a crying student because another teacher hurt his feelings, a student that had a panic attack, a student that broke out in hives right before his speech, and four bloody noses. I’m not complaining about any of this. It’s just another day to remember. I wonder what this week will bring?